
胃腸病について About Gastrointestinal Disorders [うつ病 原因 陰陽五行]


智に働けば角が立つ。情に棹せば流される。意地を通せば窮屈だ。兎角にこの世は住... … #知恵袋_
over studying can result in a compromised Earth Element. Muddled thinking or being stuck on one thought process would be an indication
With Internal Dampness people experience what is referred to as a foggy brain as a result of Spleen Qi Deficiency.
The Stomach and Spleen can be damaged by the over-consumption of cold foods, raw vegetables, fruit juices, fried foods, and iced drinks
Never doing just one thing at a time. And thus, we are overloading our poor Spleens.
The Spleen hates cold, so one easy way to help your Spleen is to avoid ice in your drinks.
eating a lot of frozen or very cold foods (many foods in raw form are considered “cold”) taxes the Spleens energy,
do one thing at a time and be absolutely mindful when you do it. This means when you are eating, JUST EAT.
Chewing will help the breakdown of the foods before they get to the stomach, making the Spleens job a little easier.
eat soups. These are warming (the longer and slower they are cooked, the more warming they become) and they are very easy to digest
Something that you can do to give your Spleen a break, is to literally, take a break. Go for a walk outside. Leave your phone at home.
If Spleen Qi is weak, a person will bruise easily, and/or will have problems with bleeding.
If the Spleen is weak, then the muscles and limbs are not nourished and become weak and tired.
When malfunctioning, the Qi is weak (lassitude and lethargy), the appetite is poor, digestion is sluggish & the stools are loose and watery.
If the Spleen is deficient however, the lips will be pale from lack of nourishment.
When the Spleen is weak, we see prolapse of organs (uterus, bladder, stomach), prolapse of the vagina as well as things like hemorrhoids
a deficient Spleen can weaken the mind and our capacity to think clearly and focus, leaving us susceptible to worry.
Dairy Cold drinks Fruit juice Processed foods Refined flour, pastry, pasta, breads Cold raw foods Refined sugar and sugar substitutes Coffee
yin and yang pairings or what is also known as the zang (solid, full) and fu (hollow) pairings
The “spleen” ultimately refers to the spleen/pancreas system so an understanding of both of these organs is important
The spleen is functionally equivalent to a large lymph node with a focus on cleansing our blood and aiding immunity.
When this function is weak you will see issues such as bloating, reflux, fatigue, diarrhea, poor appetite and/or malnutrition.
Another transformative function of the spleen relates to the resolution of dampness in the body.
A weakness in this function may lead to conditions such as edema, diarrhea and other fluid retention issues.
Dry and cracked lips indicate issues with fluid metabolism and pale lips indicate an overall weakness of spleen qi.
“Jin” (clear and thin) and “Ye” (thick and heavy) and the spleen is in charge of both of these.
the lack of fluids which on a mild scale can lead to brittle joints, dry mouth, sensations of rising heat in the body,
a principle sign of dampness is heaviness (lethargy, fatigue, sinking, depression) which many of us mask with caffeine and other stimulants.
dampness has a tendency to create stagnation (fixed masses), settle in joints (arthritis), or create heat
raw foods, juicing, salads in particular, see diet article…) – they are literally drowning their “spleen”.
砂糖とアルコールを1ヶ月摂らなかったら体はどうなるのか?  ーー 禁断症状の後、正常化。
胃粘液の中に尿素ってあるんですか? … #知恵袋_
何かの参考書に記載してあったのでしょうか? 私の解剖学的知識の範囲内では、胃底腺の副細胞の分泌する粘液は、胃酸(塩酸)やタンパク質分解酵素であるペプシンから胃の上皮細胞を守る役目を持っており、尿素はこの機能とは全く関係ありません。
ピロリ菌:なぜ胃の中に尿素があるのでしょうか? @okwave
唾液の中にもありますし、胃液の中にもあります(濃度の違いはありますが)。 同様に食べ物の中にもあります。


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